In How Trauma Hijacks a Client’s Memory, Peter Levine PhD looks at 3 ways a traumatic experience can alter a person’s memory.

Peter is is the developer of Somatic Experiencing, and is one of the world’s leading experts on treating trauma and PTSD.

Here, he details what can happen to the hippocampus when a person is in a traumatic state. He looks at the effect trauma has on a person’s short term memory, and how you can recognize this connection during a psychotherapy session.

Peter also shares how trauma can affect emotional memory as well as episodic memory. This can be vital information to add to your overall strategy for healing trauma.

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You’ll hear from Peter Levine as well as top experts like Bessel van der Kolk MD, Pat Ogden PhD, Marsha Linehan PhD, Dan Siegel MD, and many others.
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