Archive for the tag: Affects

How trauma affects the developing brain

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How trauma affects the developing brain

Children who experience abuse or neglect can face lifelong consequences. Over time, trauma impacts the shape and chemistry of the developing brain. With care and support, those effects can be reversed.
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Scientists have discovered that the brain structures of traumatised soldiers and children change in the same way.

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How Your Unhealed Trauma Affects Your Relationships

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Trauma can manifest as an emotional wound, damaging your sense of self in an equally painful way. Unresolved emotional trauma causes you to perceive yourself as broken and unlovable, and you unknowingly carry this belief into your relationships. With that said, let’s take a look at how your unhealed.

“They say that love is blind, but it’s trauma that’s blind. Love sees what is.” – [Neil Strauss]

You’re not a bad person, it’s your trauma. Here’s a video all about it:

Writer: Syazwana Amirah
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Amanda Silvera (
Animator: Kiara Ledesma
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


Concepcion, M., &; Concepcion, M. (2021, July 14). Interpersonal boundaries: How trauma keeps us silent. Lifeworks Psychotherapy. Retrieved May 8, 2022, from

Evans, S. E., Steel, A. L., Watkins, L. E., & DiLillo, D. (2014). Childhood exposure to family violence and adult trauma symptoms: The importance of social support from a spouse. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6(5), 527-536.

Psychology Today. (n.d.). Perfectionism. Psychology Today. Retrieved May 8, 2022, from

Schaick, K. & Stolberg, A. (2001). The impact of parental involvement and parental divorce on young adults’ intimate relationships. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 36(1-2), 99-121. doi:10.1300/J087v36n01_06

Sirota, M. (n.d.). If you struggle to connect with others, it could be due to childhood trauma. Retrieved from
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Dr. Pat Ogden on How Trauma Affects Body & Mind

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Dr. Ogden talks about how trauma affects the body and the mind.

5 Ways Unhealed Trauma Affects Us

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Unhealed trauma can affect our brain and lives in many ways and unfortunately will not die down on its own. After a traumatic event, it is important to work on the necessary healing from our emotional trauma. But before we can heal, we have to be aware of how our trauma is affecting us so that we can get to the root cause of our trauma. So, here are 5 ways unhealed trauma affects us.

#trauma #psych2go #unhealed trauma

Related Videos:
9 Signs You Have Unhealed Trauma

9 Signs You’re Dealing with Childhood Trauma

The 5 Types of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Writer: Ria Parikh
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Storyboarder: Yi Lin
Music & Sound Design – Urban Goose Studios
Animator: Evelvaii
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (US). Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2014. (Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series, No. 57.) Chapter 3, Understanding the Impact of Trauma.

Millán K. “Signs and Symptoms of PTSD”. Black Bear Lodge. Black Bear Rehab. N.d.

Nielsen B. “How Unhealed Trauma Affects Highly Sensitive People”. Highly Sensitive Refuge. 10 February 2020.

“Past trauma may haunt your future health”. Harvard Women’s Health Watch. Harvard Health Publishing: Harvard Medical School. February 2019.
Yoder C. “Unaddressed trauma & how it impacts us”. Peace After Trauma. 2018.
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Dr Treisman talks about the importance of forging good relationships and effective society-wide systems when it comes to understanding and healing trauma.
Dr Karen Treisman, a Clinical Psychologist, has worked across the globe with groups ranging from adopted children to former child soldiers to survivors of the Rwandan Genocide. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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The effect of trauma on the brain and how it affects behaviors | John Rigg | TEDxAugusta

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In his work with trauma patients, Dr. Rigg has observed how the brain is constantly reacting to sensory information, generating non-thinking reactions before our intelligent individual human brains are able to process the event and formulate a self-driven response.

John is a professional musician, who became a physician in his 40s.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Trauma and Behavior Part 1: "How Trauma Affects the Brain"

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Trauma and Behavior Part 1: "How Trauma Affects the Brain"

Educational Specialist Laura Phipps describes the effect of trauma on the brain, and what this often looks like in terms of children’s behavior.
Video Series Discussion Guide:

Watch the entire Trauma & Behavior Series:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

More from FCRP:
Fostering Perspectives newsletter, “Focusing on Child Well-being”
Includes letters from youth in foster care about how to promote well-being, and articles on understanding trauma and helping children feel safe.

Fostering Perspectives newsletter, “Overcoming Parenting Challenges”
Includes advice from youth and professionals on handling meltdowns and other disruptive behavior and building trust.

Children’s Services Practice Notes newsletter, “Trauma Informed Child Welfare Practice”
Includes information on different types of trauma, and policies and practices that can create an informed, sensitive, and effective child welfare response.

Connect with FCRP:

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